The Melksham Area Board will return as an online decision-making body on Tuesday 8 September at 7pm.
Items for discussion will include:
- an update on Melksham Station Hub
- proposed electoral/ boundary changes
- next steps towards COVID recovery
- an update on Age Friendly Melksham CIC
- grant application requests totalling £ 19,000
The agenda and MS Teams link is available here
Weekly tasking meetings of board members
Since the lockdown and cessation of public meetings in March due to the public health situation, the elected members of the Melksham Area Board have continued to work together online on issues of local concern:
A total of 16 online member meetings have been held between April and July to discuss local issues and to agree action. Majoring on the COVID response but also including regular discussions with the Police on crime and community safety issues.
Highways Briefing
A special online meeting was held with parish councils on 4 June to discuss potential bids to the Department of Transport to fund road reallocation projects to give more space to cyclists and pedestrians in these times of social distancing.
Community Briefings
A total of 3 online public meetings have been held, with those on 20 May and 17 June focussed on communicating the Melksham emergency response to COVID, and another on 22 July to discuss ideas and priorities for COVID recovery.