hello world!
Published: July 22, 2020

The beginning of the end?

So July saw a number of the restrictions that we have seen in place over the past 4 months start to be lifted. More shops have opened and we have started to see some things happening that we could call "normal".

However for many things haven't really changed. They are still scared to go out and still worried about the future.

That's why at the Melksham Community Support Hub we have said that the service will continue. In fact, we are hoping it will become permanent being run by the new Age Friendly Melksham CIC that I am proud to be part of. Melksham Area Board and Melksham Without Parish Council have already signed up to the proposal so we are only waiting on Melksham Town Council to make a decision to be able to really take things forward.

Over at the youth centre we still, tragically, are closed for our usual youth clubs. However we are managing to run some activities and we are incredibly grateful to the Wiltshire Community Foundation who's support has made that possible. Full details can be found on the Young Melksham website at http://youngmelksham.org.uk.

Council meetings, both at Wiltshire and Melksham Town Councils, are now happening again albeit they are all taking place online. Maybe one of the positives of that, though, is that more people are watching and taking part in the democratic process so one positive lesson from this horrid Covid experience is if you make democracy more accessible then more will participate. Maybe we need to look to make some changes for the future.

As we move into August and the traditional summer breaks it will be interesting to see how different everything may be this year.

As ever if you have any queries or need help with any issues please do not hesitate to get in touch.


You can always get in touch with Cllr Jon Hubbard

01225 807969
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